Taiwan 10 Best Cafe Restaurants in Nantou Country, Caotun Township
Caotun,Coffee, Coffee Beans, Hand-poured Coffee, American Coffee, Latte, Mocha
I’ve ordered the chocolate banana waffle. The ......View MoreMap View
馥漫麵包花園FM STATION(草屯店)|草屯麵包|生日蛋糕|伴手禮|餐盒|彌月禮盒|手作點心|中秋節禮盒|中秋月餅
The coffee is delicious and a great place for ......View MoreAdvertisement
SMOK 製甜所(原smokcafe幸福童漾)/乳酪蛋糕/鹹派/水耕生菜沙拉/檸檬塔/早午餐/cafe/咖啡/司康/禮盒/伴手禮/濾掛咖啡/生日蛋糕/彌月禮盒/下午茶/輕食/美食/老宅/老屋翻新/作家/書籍/宅配甜點/加盟/
The cake is delicious and the coffee is delic ......View MoreAdvertisement
映古子咖啡 in good hands cafe |自家烘焙|咖啡豆專賣|手沖|espresso |自家製甜點|蔬食|展覽|since 2013 (營業時間&排休參照IG公告)
Nice cafe with an old-fashioned style, warmin ......View MoreAdvertisement