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Hualien City, Hualien CountyYankees Dude Ranch

Chinese restaurant, at No. 34號, Zhongmei Rd, Hualien City, Hualien County, 970

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4.3 (2047 comments)


Opening Time

Open Time: 11:00


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Remember to order ahead their signature roasted chicken and salt baked fish! We also got their fern stirfry and deep fried burdock and their recommended pitcher of fresh apple pineapple juice. Everything was amazing, the staff were so nice, the space is well lit and clean, and the speed of food was very quick! Also they serve yellow watermelon and guava at the end :) must try for aboriginal food in Hualien! ♡

The name has no connection the food instead. I expected American food or at least American decor. Instead I got hard core taiwanese food. But it was excellent. Like seriously. The roasted chicken and the salt covered fish were the highlights but everything was good. The service was practical and efficient. One of the best dinners I had in Hualian.

Definitely a recommended place for you try out Aboriginal dishes. Their vegetables are wild veggies usually very unique, taste crunchy and sweet. The grill salt marinated fish, bucket chicken and hot plate lamb chop is one of best dishes here. The fish is fresh and well cooked. They cook bugs like fried pupa, fried bamboo worm and etc. The fried pupa actually taste fried tofu. Quite nice even my 6year old like this dish. Price was cheap also.




