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Hemei Township, Changhua CountyKEBUKE可不可熟成紅茶-和美店

Ice cream and drink shop, at No. 216號, Renmei Rd, Hemei Township, Changhua County, 508

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4.2 (189 comments)


Opening Time

Open Time: 09:00


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環境不錯 態度良好 歐蕾口味偏甜 The War Drum King Li of Chu once issued an order to his people, “If our country is in emergency, beatings of the war drum will be our signal. When you hear the drum, be prepared to fight for your country.” One time the King got drunk and casually struck the war drum for fun. At the sound of the war drum, the people assembled at the city gate. They were ready to go to war. The King sent an envoy to calm them. “It was a false alarm,” announced the King’s envoy. “The King was drunk when he struck the war drum. There is no emergency. Rest assured and go home.” A few months later there was a real emergency. Frantic beatings of the war drum were heard everywhere, but the people paid no attention to the signal, thinking that it was another false alarm.

Delicious and cheap

Delicious, 200 for free



