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Zhongzheng District, Taipei City重熙老麵

Ramen restaurant, at No. 7號, Lane 8, Guangzhou St, Zhongzheng District, Taipei City, 100

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4.2 (1682 comments)


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Open Time: 11:30


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▎Store: Chongxi Old Noodles ▎Area/adjacent location: Xiaonanmen Station ▎ Meal time: 2018/8/23 18:20 ▎ Queue status: 15 minutes ▎Ramen Name/Price: Old Noodles in Chicken Thick White Soup/RMB 200 ▎Configuration: hard, add surface It was raining heavily in the south, and the sky in Taipei was also frighteningly dark. After get off work, I hurried to eat a bowl of ramen. There are two lanterns and a wooden signboard hanging outside. If you don’t pay attention, you won’t know that there is a ramen shop here. The shop is very small, even smaller than Ranmaru. The light is above the back of the head, it will be difficult to take pictures if you want to. After ordering the meal, collect the payment first. After a while, the proprietress served the ramen with garlic slices and cherry blossom shrimp oil. She suggested that I taste the original flavor before adding it. It is equipped with half a candied egg, chicken char siu, cabbage, chopped green onion, and shredded chili. The chicken soup is very smooth, not as rich as the Japanese style, similar to the soup taste of power ramen, but with a better aroma. The cabbage is fresh and sweet, it should have been slightly fried. The hardness of the medium-rolled noodles is very good. Boys suggest that the amount of noodles is just right. The chicken char siu is firm but not firewood, and there is a faint lemon fragrance wafting from the nose when chewing. The candied egg part is so good, I tasted like a wine egg. After adding sliced ​​garlic to the noodles, the taste is very special with a bit of crispness. I was surprised that adding cherry blossom shrimp oil would have the taste of shrimp, but it made the chicken soup richer, which is great! After eating, I only feel that the chicken soup is great, but it seems to be too little, no wonder there is an option to add soup on the menu. I would give it a 9 out of 10, this taste will definitely make me come back for another visit

__________________ Soup Noodles________________ The soup is smooth and sticky, full of gelatin. The boss must have very high requirements for the soup, and it is rare to see chicken soup ramen, which is of a high standard. ________________________________________________________________ The noodles are slightly spicy overall, and the dryness of the meat is moderate. It is obviously the tiger noodles and fool noodles that are nearby. __________________________________________________________________________ The performance is average. It is a good choice as a staple food. However, when you taste the soup noodles and mixed noodles, it will be different from the perspective of non-staple food. Compared with the soup noodles, it is richer and more fragrant, but it also makes people feel tired. mouth. Surface body: The Q bomb is unambiguous and performs at an above-average level. Ingredients: The egg part is average. The green vegetable part is cabbage today, which is well handled, crisp and refreshing, and the two complement each other well in the rich soup. Barbecued pork is the finishing touch in ramen. It is different from chicken breast in previous ramen. It is soft and refreshing, which shows a different taste in the overall ramen. Conclusion: I highly recommend ramen lovers to try it.

The appearance is quite similar to Japanese ramen, but it is completely different Ramen's chicken broth has a rich aroma and a refreshing taste The chicken breast char siu is soft and tender, and the portion is quite sincere Although it is not as amazing as the Japanese-style strong taste, it is full of stamina and endless aftertaste. It is a very deep taste!




