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Banqiao District, New Taipei City双豚ラーメン

Ramen restaurant, at No. 193號, Section 3, Minsheng Rd, Banqiao District, New Taipei City, 220

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4.3 (2179 comments)


Opening Time

Open Time: 17:00


Price Range







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First of all, I would like to thank the boss/service staff for helping me reserve my place when I am confused. Sit down and order noodles, only to find that the wallet is in the car 600 meters away. You can’t swipe your card here, so I ran back and saw the queue at the door. The boss saw that I was very enthusiastic and invited me to sit in, thank you very much. 10 minutes had passed. By the way, the environment is clean and tidy, and the location is not too much. If you want to eat, please go early. For beginners, it is recommended to choose clear soup or DX, it is better to get started~ This time I ordered the char siu ramen with thick soy sauce. According to the search on the Internet, it is similar to eating Bade Road Yingliulan pills, It was really thick and delicious, but I didn't finish the soup that time... The seasoning here is not as salty/heavy as the other side, But I personally think it’s even better, and the char siu is also beautifully presented and delicious😋 The soft-boiled eggs are self-service, let’s make a love🧡 together by investing money! Please remember to put the tableware on the delivery table after eating. It is the basic respect for the store, because it is worth it😂

2018.10 Double Dolphin DX Ramen (Thick Soup) Banqiao finally has delicious ramen (sobs). It is said that it was opened by a disciple of Takashi Ryu. It is similar to ours. I had eaten Takashi Ryu at Zhongshan Station before and had a bad impression. I was originally worried that the taste would not match the taste. In fact, It’s OK after eating!! ·Choose firm noodles + Japanese original soup. The thick soup noodles are thick (the clear soup is thin), which is perfect with the thick pork back fat soup. ·After eating all the noodles, the remaining soup will feel a little salty and greasy, but it will not be greasy when paired with the piles of green onions. If you are afraid of saltyness, you might be better off by choosing Taiwanese-style soup (?) ·There are two types of barbecued pork: thick and thin. The former is only available in DX. It tastes very solid and delicious after being soaked in pork back fat. The thin barbecued pork is really thin, but it may have more oil and is properly processed, making it chewy. It won’t be as boring as Musashi’s thin barbecued pork ·The soft-boiled eggs are okay, but not as good as Mitsuba Musashi ·There are plenty of dried bamboo shoots, but they are a bit salty and the sweetness is not present.

This ramen does not have side dishes such as fried dumplings or fried chicken. Fortunately, I ordered a bowl of char siu rice to taste. As for the char siu rice, the char siew is very chewy, and the meat and rice are quite generous, but the sauce tasted with the rice still feels too salty. Everyone's low consumption is a bowl of ramen, which is not cheap, but seeing the picture of char siu pork hanging next to the bowl, it feels like watching an artificial beauty (wrong, the CP value is enough~ Mine is char siu ramen with thick soup and soy sauce. The meat of char siu is different from that of char siu rice. It is thinner, chewy and fragrant, delicious! It is worth mentioning that noodles can be added after half of the meal, and the boss will also ask about the hardness and texture of the noodles, which can be adjusted according to the ramen just eaten => a bowl of noodles, double taste Here comes the personal point. You can ask to add "clear soup". Customers who think the thick soup is too salty can also adjust it by themselves. I think ramen shops that can add soup are very heartfelt~. Overall, I think it's pretty good, and I will definitely visit again one day.




