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Shilin District, Taipei City櫛瓜咖啡 Zucchini Café

Restaurant, at No. 35 號, Tianmu W Rd, Shilin District, Taipei City, 111

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4.7 (106 comments)


Opening Time

Open Time: 11:30


Price Range



Phone Number







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It is a newly opened paste restaurant at the Tianmu area in Taipei. The foods are very tasty. The interior is very stylish. The kind staff make me feel like I’m home.

The staff were friendly, attentive, and very generous. I highly recommend this restaurant.

Friendly service, take the initiative to refill the cup of black tea many times The toilet is clean and has a diaper table, very considerate The meal time is unlimited, the meals are delicious, the homemade ice cream is very delicious, I ordered ice wine grapes, love it! The only thing I can remind is: when ordering, I asked if mushrooms can be omitted for the main meal. The answer is yes, but it was still full of mushrooms when it was served. It can be seen that the ingredients are not soft, but I don’t dare to eat mushrooms. I think it’s a waste of food😅 Finally, I want to make a little wish for brunch to add five-spicy or egg-lacto vegetarian meals🙏




