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Shilin District, Taipei City祥緣素食

Vegetarian restaurant, at No. 22號, Meilun St, Shilin District, Taipei City, 111

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4.2 (441 comments)


Opening Time

Open Time: 07:30


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Interesting vegetarian soup n noodles. Tried the dry noodles and Hong sau soup...

Delicious vegetarian food with many dishes

I accidentally ate super delicious stinky tofu today, and this is one of the foods that foreigners are most afraid of, but the stinky tofu to be introduced today is not ordinary, it will only stink to the people next to you! It was a holiday this morning. When I went to the company for lunch, I could smell a strange smell from a distance. I wondered... "Is there someone who has diarrhea on their pants..." After asking, the colleague didn't She raised her hand in embarrassment and said that she was eating the stinky tofu noodles on the street behind, and she frowned immediately, but after walking a few steps, she thought: Isn't it right? I have eaten at that store, but when I ate it, why didn't I have the impression that it smelled so bad? After thinking about it, I suddenly realized, and immediately ran to buy a portion to eat. (Talking while eating) This one is different from other ones. The other ones range from strong fragrance to stinky, but this one is from strong smell to invisible and colorless, so people who eat it don’t think it smells bad, but it’s only a meter away. It will be stinky to the Dacheng realm, so I will take foreigners who come to Taiwan for the first time to eat this non-stinky stinky tofu, reverse and elevate their impression of stinky tofu, and then when they walk to the door , and then they were so stinky that they ran out of the door together!




