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Pingtung City, Pingtung County回香牛肉麵(原五南書局內)

Chinese noodle restaurant, at No. 275-3號, Minzu Rd, Pingtung City, Pingtung County, 900

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4.2 (994 comments)


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Closing Time: 14:00


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I had 紅燒牛肉麵 and I loved it. I added chili oil and it was amazing. I also liked the texture of the noodle, thick and chewy, went very well with the soup

Braised beef noodles Beef noodles generally refer to various noodle soups with stewed beef as the main ingredient. Its origin is difficult to trace, but the cooking method of modern beef noodles is relatively close to that of noodle dishes. The stewed beef noodles are believed to have originated from Lanzhou beef noodles. It was created by Chen Weijing. The most common version of braised beef noodles comes from mainland Sichuan veterans from the Air Force Military Village in Gangshan District, Kaohsiung City, Taiwan. Nowadays, beef noodles are a common food for Chinese people, and beef noodles in various places have their own characteristics. Nowadays, many instant noodles are beef noodles with beef or beef flavor added, especially in Taiwan, which is very common. In addition to being divided into beef noodles, sirloin noodles, half tendon and half meat beef noodles, beef offal noodles, and beef tendon noodles by ingredients, it can also be divided into different flavors such as braised braised and clear stewed. Taiwanese Beef Noodles[edit] Yongkang Street Beef Noodles, Taipei, Taiwan Main article: Taiwanese beef noodles Taiwan was an agricultural society in the early days, and the residents had the custom of not eating cattle to thank the cattle for their hard work. Furthermore, if a cow in an ordinary family gets sick or dies, it may seriously affect the family income. In the early days after World War II, Taiwanese society regarded eating beef as a taboo. Therefore, the history of beef noodles in Taiwan is not long. Created by residents from other provinces who immigrated to Taiwan, Taiwan Beef Noodles has now developed into a food with Taiwanese characteristics. It is generally divided into "Stewed Beef Noodles" and "Braised Beef Noodles". It is also listed as a representative beef dish in Taiwan along with the popular beef soup in Tainan. The most common saying of braised beef noodles comes from Sichuan veterans who were borrowed from the Air Force Military Village in Gangshan, Kaohsiung, Taiwan. They improved the Chengdu dish "small bowl of beef in red soup". Hong Kong beef brisket noodles[edit] Hong Kong Style Stewed Beef Brisket Noodles Most beef noodles in Hong Kong are cooked with beef brisket and tendon, so it is often called beef brisket noodles. Beef Brisket Noodles is a famous and popular noodle dish in Hong Kong[1]. Common soup noodles include beef brisket noodles in clear soup and five-spice beef brisket noodles. There are also curry beef brisket noodles with curry spices. In addition, beef brisket lo mein mixed with oyster sauce is also very common. California Beef Noodles[edit] Main article: California beef noodles In fact, it is Taiwan's braised beef noodles, which was falsely claimed to be the name after it was spread to the United States. In fact, there is no such beef noodles in the United States. Lanzhou Beef Noodles[edit] Main article: Lanzhou beef noodles Lanzhou hand-pulled noodles are called "beef noodles" in Lanzhou, and are often called "pulled noodles" in other places. "Beef hand-pulled noodles" are hand-pulled on-site, and salt, soda ash, and ash are added to the noodles. Vietnamese Beef Pho Edit Main article: Pho There is also a delicacy similar to beef noodles in Vietnam called "Phở bò". Pho noodles and beef are put in a bowl, mixed with various fragrant leaves and vegetables, and then boiled in boiling hot broth, served with fish sauce. Refreshing and sweet. Beef Noodles and HealthEdit Beef noodles are a popular noodle dish. Beef contains more trace elements than pork and chicken, which help maintain human health. However, beef is a kind of red meat. According to studies in Europe, America and Japan[2], the risk of colorectal cancer induced by beef is higher than that of pork and mutton, which are also red meat. Frequent consumption of large amounts of beef will increase the risk of cancer[3] ][4]. The professor of medicine at the National Defense Medical College in Taiwan and the director of the colorectal department of Tai Adventist Hospital both suggested that the public should not eat too much beef [5].

[Huixiang Beef Noodles] is located on Zhongshan Road, opposite Tang Rong Elementary School and the Gendarmerie. I am [Noodle Control], you must try it! Try it out! 😀 Enter [Wu Nan Bookstore], and on the other side is [Hui Xiang Beef Noodles]. At noon, there are scholars, farmers, businessmen, students, and office workers. There are not many seats, and the tables are turned quickly! Today, I had a meal with my friend and sister. The three-treasure noodles attracted me. Do you have beef, tripe, and tendon? Three kinds of meat, the bowl is very big, just a lot of noodles, and a lot of stewed meat, I am not a good cook, I feel delicious and full! 😀 I think it's very Wenqing to enter, although there is no very gorgeous decoration, it is very quiet! 🤳It's not 12 o'clock at noon, there are not many tables for guests, the atmosphere is very good, chatting while eating, and found that the table is full of guests, business is booming! 👍 The young service staff are very kind! Auntie, we have a pleasant meal and a good impression! 👌 I will bring my family to visit next time! 😀




