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Yilan City, Yilan County老眷村川味牛肉麵

Chinese noodle restaurant, Chinese restaurant at 260, Yilan County, Yilan City, 民權新路473號

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4.2 (3230 comments)


Opening Time

Open Time: 17:00


Price Range



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Was en route to another restaurant until the cab driver pointed out that this restaurant had gotten top awards. The decision to change our lunch venue on the spot was the right one. Excellent quality 牛肉面, 臭豆腐!

The time I went was around 1:30 p.m. on 8/29 (Wednesday). This is a magical place. It is obviously noon on weekdays, but there are still many customers. You still have to line up at this time in the afternoon. Here The customers are not only Taiwanese, but also people from Hong Kong and other countries. When they smell the fragrance, there is a large group. After entering the door and going down the stairs, turn left, and you will be greeted by a full of side dishes, except for tripe ($60) and preserved eggs. Tofu ($35) and other side dishes are not too expensive. During the waiting process, it is a good appetizer. The taste is average, but the price is really cheap. The service attitude should be appreciated. When I come out late, I will go to the kitchen to watch it immediately, and there is a very impressive scene. A customer took three small dishes, and he accidentally dropped one of them in the process of returning to his seat, and turned around. The proprietress not only didn't blame, but also apologized immediately. The last part is the main course. I ordered a small bowl of half-tendon beef sliced ​​noodles ($160). For an adult male, the portion is enough. If you are a foodie, I believe the big bowl is also enough, and his The gluten is Q-bomb and chewy, the meat part is not sticky, and the noodle part is a bit unsatisfactory. The whole dining experience is very satisfying. If anyone reads this comment, it is recommended to eat it look.

I remember that before COVID-19, the Military Village Beef Noodle Shop was always crowded with visitors. This time, the number of visitors has reduced, but the taste still retains that nostalgic flavor. I am still a big fan of the half tendon and half beef noodle, especially its soup, which is so delicious as to gulp down the whole bowl. It's a truly unforgettable gourmet meal.




