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Emei Township, Hsinchu County峨眉湖畔人家/新竹景觀餐廳/新竹咖啡廳/新竹景點/十二寮美食/十二寮咖啡廳/峨嵋咖啡廳

Coffee shop, Restaurant at 315, Hsinchu County, Emei Township

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4.1 (463 comments)


Opening Time

Open Time: 12:00


Price Range



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Have been this area many times but never been here yet (actually learned from friend’s FB). Anyway, came over here around 3:30 afternoon. It’s quite and peaceful. Facing the gorgeous lake view, sipping the icy fruit tea, sitting on a chair relaxingly, what else to ask for to have such a wonderful afternoon and wait for the sunset. The building is a western style with a garden patio. The only drawback is the moldy cushion on the swing chair due to the humid environment.

Emei Lakeside Renjia is one of the leisure restaurants in Emei Township. It is famous for its fresh ingredients. It uses their own hand-made five-leaf pine products, roselle sauce, and bayberry fruit dew to make souvenirs. All kinds of fresh and good things. The owners, Cai Qingbiao and Xu Shabai, bought a tea garden by the Emei Lake ten years ago. They hoped to realize their youthful dream of building an elegant cottage by the lake. They planned to plant flowers and vegetables and raise chickens here after retirement The pastoral life of sunny farming and rainy reading, so I widely collect house building and gardening materials, and design the appearance of this "Lakeside House" by referring to beautiful houses at home and abroad and my own preferences. Encouraged by friends to provide a good environment, lake viewing, bird watching, meals, etc., opened the door of [Emei Lakeside Renjia] on New Year's Day in 2010, and invited friends who like the scenery of Emei's mountains and waters to [Emei Lakeside Renjia] to enjoy the lake. beautiful view.

Very quiet and relaxed to sit and eat. Nice view over the lake, nice garden, well maintained.




