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Ren’ai Township, Nantou County清境老英格蘭維吉諾餐廳 |清境農場|清境下午茶推薦

Western restaurant, Restaurant at 546, Nantou County, Ren’ai Township, 壽亭巷20-3號

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4.5 (280 comments)


Opening Time

Open Time: 11:30


Price Range



Phone Number







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On our drive to Taroko national park we were amused and surprised to see European style and Victorian Gothic buildings peeking up from beyond the ridge. We parked the car to look at the hotel and the blooming wisterias and as we wandered around to the front saw the signs advertising western style tea for 500nt + 10% for each person, and decided why not give it a try? The staff are courteous and professional and the interior from hallways to bathrooms to restaurants and courtyards are all impressively consistent in theme and detail. The afternoon tea ended up being very worth the price as we couldn't even finish one full tower but enjoyed sampling each treat. Our favorites were the salad that had a variety of cheese, olives and salami, and the oolong citrus tart. Definitely worth the view and experience :)

Experience the best of Cing JINg fine dining. Tender, crispy pork knuckles, juicy beef ribs with perfect doneness with sea salt on the side.

The environment is very quiet, and the meals are also very elegant. Special mention to Zhuzhu who served us was warm, friendly and impressive




