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Taiwu Township, Pingtung County吾拉魯滋部落泰小石板咖啡屋

Cafe, Tribal headquarters at 921, Pingtung County, Taiwu Township, 岸路1號阿夫魯

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Wandering around Taiwu Township was completely unplanned. It is recommended by guests of the homestay in the morning, and in the evening, ride a locomotive and wander over after refueling. Taiwu Elementary School was rated as the most beautiful elementary school in the world by scholars from the Japan Civil Engineering Society. It was rebuilt with the help of civil society after Typhoon Morakot. Elements of Paiwan culture can be seen everywhere in the school. It’s quite popular in the school. After a while, I drank a cup of Grandma’s Coffee at the #太小石屋 at the entrance. It turns out that Taiwu Township is a coffee-producing area. While drinking, I studied the Paiwan people who worship the Baibu Snake as their patron saint. According to legend, the slate house is After a hundred steps of snake's guidance, the water no longer leaked~ I studied wood carvings in front of the Ulaluz tribe office, and later chatted with the village chief’s mother, describing the level that only the leader’s wedding has - the scene painted on the wood carvings; then, I walked in the village and saw The special bronze sculpture, and I chatted with the leader clan~ It turns out that the art of bronze sculpture shows the joy of the Harvest Festival, men and women dancing, and the leader brewing millet wine~ Thinking of a passage I saw in the morning at the Fourteenth Station of the Cross in the Sanctuary of Our Lady of St. Francis, Jesus: "...Take your own cross and follow me!" We walk the world with our own cross on our backs. Perhaps one day, we will finally find a way to liberate ourselves and combine humans and gods with everything in the world.

Located next to Wanjin Tianmu Church in Pingtung, there is Taiwu Coffee 🉑️tasting and outing experience~Taiwan's most beautiful Taiwu Elementary School, the beautiful hometown of Qing girl Joyce, Qingqing recommends that friends who want to understand aboriginal culture come here to take a look Oh~👍




