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Ruifang District, New Taipei City野事草店 Wild Herbs Gallery

Cafe, Art museum at No. 147號, Qingbian Rd, Ruifang District, New Taipei City, 224

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4.6 (506 comments)


Opening Time

Open Time: 11:00


Price Range



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A distinctive cafe features their Taiwanese herbal tea and meal. I love their interior design which is natural and authentic just like the owners of the cafe. Must try their different kinds of herbal tea and sweet potato porridge!

Offers great herbal tea and awesome food. One special tea is the shop owner making based on your condition today. Really unique! I reckon it's a must try in here!! The minimum expenditure is one beverage, which is around NTD180, comes in herbal tea and coffee the most. Not having much food choice (Porridge and Tea rice comes with three flavors), but it tastes SIMPLE and YUM! I love how nature and handmade of the food. Even bacon is salted by the shop owner, and also other ingredients. You can also find free range eggs, tea bags, tooth brushes, and some interesting products when visiting the shop. I would recommend anyone who's 1).a big fan of herbs 2). eco-friendly 3).food lover to come here. You won't regret! BTW, cannot make reservation. If you want a certain spot, come early! 食物很難得天然又好吃,花草茶還有現場配的,很神奇!用餐環境很舒適,很多植物,會想再訪。有看到素食口味的餐點,下次想試試~很推

They serve excellent herbal tea and light snack, in a spacious and bright environment accomplished by beautiful metal mosaic paintings.




