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Changhua City, Changhua County心甜咖啡烘焙坊

Cafe, Coffee roasters at No. 24號, Lane 315, Minzu Rd, Changhua City, Changhua County, 500

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4.5 (92 comments)


Opening Time

Open Time: 09:00


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Professional coffee shop, very cozy😌 Spacious, great light environment, perfect for afternoon tea 🌹 Desserts are not expensive and good ~ many options of coffee 😍😍😍

Knowing much coffee terminology doesn't make your coffee better, but it makes it easier for you to understand the good taste of coffee. I was a tourist to visit this coffee roaster in the alley, I picked a seat by the windows, there were a kind of planting plants outside, so it was a bit of a shadow, it made a look like a green. There was a glass compartment like baking area behind the seat where I sat. Here the coffee bean was baked in there own!! As you know the key to a good cup of coffee is with that Good brewing techniques and utensils are indispensable, but high quality coffee beans are the most important element. The aroma and taste of coffee is produced after baking. During the baking process, the moisture of the coffee green beans is slowly released, the weight is reduced, the color is deepened, the volume is expanded, and the fat containing the aroma is slowly released. In addition, the large amount of chlorogenic acid originally contained in raw beans gradually disappears according with the baking process, releasing a good fruit acid, and the taste varies depending on the length of baking. Although I haven't studied coffee, I haven't really studied how to make a good cup of coffee, but I have drunk coffee for such a long time, “good coffee makes people drunk." I recommend this house, it is worth exploring. 認識豐富的咖啡術語無法讓咖啡變得更好喝,卻能讓你更容易了解咖啡的好味道。我是一名過客,這家位在巷子裡的咖啡烘培坊,我挑了個靠落地窗的坐位,外面有種了排植物所以有點遮蔽的作用,看起來也是一片綠意盎然阿。我坐的位置後方還有一個玻璃隔間烘焙區,這家的咖啡豆都是自家烘培的喔!! 一杯好咖啡的關鍵是什麼?好的沖泡技巧和器具固然不可或缺,但高品質的咖啡豆才是最重要的元素。咖啡的香氣和味道,是在烘焙後才產生的。在烘焙過程中,咖啡生豆的水分慢慢釋放,重量減輕,顏色加深,體積膨脹,含有香氣的油脂慢慢釋放出來。此外,生豆中原本含有的大量綠原酸,隨著烘焙的過程會逐漸消失,釋放出好聞的水果酸,其味道隨烘焙時間長短而有所差異。 雖說我沒學過咖啡,沒有真正研究過如何泡出一杯好喝的咖啡,但是喝了這麼久的咖啡,「好的咖啡,是會喝醉的。」我推薦這家哦,值得來探險。





