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Beidou Township, Changhua County阿婆米糕

Deli, at No. 98, Fuxing Rd, Beidou Township, Changhua County, 521

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4.1 (39 comments)


Opening Time

Open Time: 05:00


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I started eating it when I was a child. My grandma still sold it in the red brick market, under the Mazu Temple, and now in the store. Whether it is pulled noodles or rice cakes, I only eat it when I work in other places and come back to Beidou. Everything has the same familiar taste! The aroma of the noodles itself is topped with minced meat and garlic sauce, which directly elevates it to different levels. Top it with sweet and spicy sauce according to your personal taste. It’s so comfortable! Next, there are rice cakes that I personally think are among the top ones in Beidou. The rice cake itself is moderately soft and hard, and is paired with salty and sweet minced meat. When you take it off in one bite, the aroma is overflowing. The fillings, minced meat, and glutinous rice in the rice cake are all in one go. They blend perfectly in the mouth, but they still have their own charm. Even if you just pass by Beidou in the morning, you must have a bowl~ The classic convex skin soup (exploded skin soup) or mixed soup is also a delicious taste that cannot be missed. In addition to the shop adding some white vinegar before serving it, small bottles of white vinegar are also provided on the table for guests to use. A mouthful of rice or noodles, with The vinegary and fragrant soup is not only an appetizer, but also a great kick-off for the day!

Good quality and low price, traditional food that satisfies people



