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Yanchao District, Kaohsiung City泥火山圓伯土雞城

Chicken restaurant, Cold cut store at 824, Kaohsiung City, Yanchao District, 烏山巷200號

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4.2 (203 comments)


Opening Time

Open Time: 10:00


Price Range



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Mud Chicken (high CP value) This restaurant serves mountain dishes. The owner is super nice. He knew that we came from abroad, so he specially gave us fried pumpkin. It was the best food during the whole trip. The pumpkin grown in the farm is very sweet and crispy but not greasy when fried. We all praise it. What you can’t miss is the mud chicken, which must be booked in advance. We booked through Visa Concierge and booked the mud chicken. My brother took us to the garden to smash the chicken. The children had so much fun. The mud chicken was tender and juicy. The aftertaste is endless. Now that I think about it, I just want to go to Kaohsiung one more time and eat it again.

Take the bus from Kaohsiung to Wushan Lane and walk for 30 minutes to arrive. First, book a volcanic mud kiln chicken cooking for 2 hours. Then visit the mud volcano Xinyangnu Lake. After lunch, it suddenly rained. The boss was super nice and offered to take us down the mountain and then transfer to the bus to Qishan. Thank you! The boss turned out to be a retired teacher!

The food is served quickly, cheap and delicious.



