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Gushan District, Kaohsiung City阿成鮮蝦餛飩、鹽水意麵

Deli, at No. 252號, Minghua Rd, Gushan District, Kaohsiung City, 804

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4.3 (225 comments)


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Open Time: 11:30


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Hidden craftsman-grade noodles🍜 Located on Minghua Road in Gushan District, there are many izakayas and hot stir-fry restaurants. Next to the parking lot, there is a simple noodle stall covered with iron sheets. It has no conspicuous decoration and is very inconspicuous. It once made me hesitate to eat. 😥After I got closer and saw Master Ah Cheng’s glorious historical achievements on the graffiti wall🏆🎖🥇, I decided to give it a try! 【Shrimp Wonton Dry Noodles】$65 For my first taste, I bought dry wonton noodles and red oil hand-fried noodles. The Shantou noodles are chewy and delicious, the handmade wontons are fresh and sweet from the shrimp meat, and the homemade red oil stir-fried noodles are delicious! 🔥 【Felum Dandan Noodles】$130 The store’s super popular signature noodles✨, this meal is available in limited quantities every day and is highly recommended for those who dare to eat spicy food! This bowl of sesame noodles is specially prepared by the boss, using red oil extracted from Dahongpao Sichuan peppercorns. It has the smell of garlic, pepper and sesame. The whole soup is so rich. It is paired with a braised tachi that makes you bite into it without caring about the image, and it is so smooth. The smooth Shantou noodles, this craftsman-grade sesame noodles are already better than many superficial ramen shops~👍Looking at the back of the boss who is focusing on cooking noodles, it seems that he can see his craftsman soul burning, which makes people feel "soul-conscious" after eating it! 👄 # Follow Xiao P to eat noodles #阿成 Saltwater Pasta #Gushan Food #Shrimp Wonton Noodles #Sesame Dandan Noodles #Pork Tongue Soup #Sorghum Drunk Gan #面面士人 #一吃到心人 🏠Store name: Ah Cheng Shrimp Wonton Salt Water Pasta 📮Address: No. 254, Minghua Road, Gushan District, Kaohsiung City ☎Tel:5533125 ⏰Time:11:30~13:30 17:00~21:00 🍽Delicious value:⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ 🏆Popularity:⭐⭐⭐🌟 💐Environment value:⭐⭐ 💸C/P value:⭐⭐⭐⭐






