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Hualien City, Hualien CountyTsai-Ji Tofu Pudding

Dessert restaurant, at No. 73號, Minguo Rd, Hualien City, Hualien County, 970

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4.4 (3351 comments)


Opening Time

Open Time: 13:30


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This 豆花 dessert shop is such a AWESOME FIND in hualien!!! The name of the shop is 豆花, you would think that that is their best dish. But trust me, the highlight here is definitely the 薏仁牛奶, sweet barley soup with milk!! I totally pushed my beancurd and grass jelly combo away after trying the barley soup. 🙊 Gosh I have never in my life tasted anything like this before. The combination of the milk with the super soft barley, coupled with the fact that it was served cold, it was seriously the best thing I have had in awhile. Truly mindblowing 😙😍👏👍👍🌟🤩!!! Took one mouthful and went to heaven 😜. Silly me was still thinking that it sounded weird and was initially a bit hesitant to try it, ha ha ha 🤓. Went back again the second day to have it, and looking at the video is making me salivating and crave for it again. YUMSSSSS!! 😋😋😋🤤 There are limited seats available but most people who come here usually order for takeaway so not really a problem I guess. THIS IS A MUST TRY!!!!!! 🤩

Coix seed milk and grass jelly jelly have a strong milky aroma and are not too sweet. They are very refreshing snacks~

Beautiful misunderstanding, I didn’t eat the tofu pudding! But a blessing in disguise, I tasted barley milk. The barley has a chewy texture, rich milk flavor, less sweetness and is very suitable for my stomach. I will eat the famous tofu pudding (made from Canadian beans) again. Before leaving Hualien the next day, I visited again. This time I ordered red bean pudding, but it was different from the Hong Kong style. Cai Ji had red beans in pieces (the kind that don’t leave the sand) + tofu pudding + sugar water, and the taste was very different! I don’t want to have any regrets. I ordered multiple bowls of barley milk and bean curd. It should have been called the local “king brand” a long time ago! It tastes so good that you have nothing to lose and leave completely satisfied😍




