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Xitun District, Taichung City以樂飯糰創意吐司(河南店)

Breakfast restaurant, at 407, Taichung City, Xitun District, 河南路二段241-3號

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4 (48 comments)


Opening Time

Open Time: 06:00


Price Range



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The meal is simple and delicious. The meat and egg toast contains a lot of lettuce and is very refreshing, which is a big plus for me. The rice balls are also very good. The attitude of the store staff is very good, but I don't understand why the rating is only 3.9. Big push

The food is delicious every time and I have repurchased it three times. Except that the black tea tastes a bit weird (not the bad kind), everything else is fine. Moreover, the set menu is really large and the price is very affordable. If you don’t want to wait for your meal, there will be prepared meals on the table next to you. You can pay directly with it.

Fresh, tasty, simple and delicious breakfast. Signature meat and egg toast: The meat slices are moderately seasoned and full of lettuce~ Scallion, egg and ham French bread: three slices covered with toppings, chewy Exclusive peanut bagel: grainy, non-sweet peanut butter💟



