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Zuoying District, Kaohsiung City中式早餐

Breakfast restaurant, at No. 60號, Caigong 1st Rd, Zuoying District, Kaohsiung City, 813

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Open Time: 06:00


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Under the big tree at the entrance of the temple, an elderly couple has been running a pure Chinese breakfast stall for more than 30 years. They enjoy local Chinese breakfast in the open-air seats under the big tree at the entrance of the temple in an elegant and comfortable way early in the morning. It is a happy and joyful start to the day... Although it is a small roadside stall, it has a variety of breakfast food options... The staple foods include pork rice, meat noodle soup, meat soup rice, soup noodles, rice noodles, dry noodles, rice noodles, meat soup noodles, rice noodles... Non-staple foods include fried poached eggs, oyster omelette, fried milkfish belly, braised eggs, braised pork balls, braised tofu, oyster soup, clam soup, egg drop soup, meat soup... Most of the guests were local regulars, and there were also some people like me who came here because of the Internet... The operator and his wife greeted me kindly, the clothes and appearance were clean and tidy, the booths and seats were clean, the prices were low and reasonable, the food was hygienic and delicious, the products were genuine and worth the price. recommend!

Chinese breakfast No. 60, Caigong 1st Road, Zuoying District, Kaohsiung 5:30--10:00# Closed on Sunday #Seafood porridge 70 yuan: The rice soup is cooked to order. You can tell us in advance whether you want shredded ginger or not. The simple aunt is like a mother cooking breakfast for her children. I like it very much. Contents: 4 clams, 3 oysters, shredded pork, boneless milkfish cubes, crispy garlic, but no shredded ginger. It's full. The hot and delicious soup is just right to drink in the morning when the temperature is low to warm your stomach. It’s been a long time since I’ve had such ancient breakfast rice soup, the freshly cooked one is great. #Freshly fried oyster eggs 70 yuan: ㄟ~Auntie chopped up some mysterious things and put them into the omelette... Only after eating did you understand the source of the deliciousness, minced leeks, and the source of some moisture... ahh! ! (At this time, you need to learn the tone of the little master! I know 🤣) The bean sprouts were chopped and put in. They seemed cooked but not fully cooked. When they were cooked, the juice came out. When they were not fully cooked, they had a slightly crispy texture. , the leeks are not smelly enough to explode, the oysters are fresh and have no fishy smell at all, they are hot and delicious. Celebrate smoke~ #Lemon black tea small cup 25 yuan: The lemon black tea sold next door, 😱ㄟㄟㄟ, is delicious. One cup after a meal, and the two stalls will be closed together for the old men 😁😋 #Opposite is Fenggu Palace #There is also a clean public toilet next to it

The breakfast made by an old couple is very mother-like. The traditional dining carts are still here to stay. It won't be dirty just because it's a small shop, it's very clean. The breakfast seafood porridge, oyster eggs, and braised pork rice all have a traditional aroma. This kind of warm food is best for breakfast❤️


