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Guishan District, Taoyuan City鬍鬚張魯肉飯 林口長庚店

Taiwanese restaurant, at No. 38-6, Wenhua 2nd Rd., Guishan District, Taoyuan City, 333

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3.8 (719 comments)


Opening Time

Open Time: 10:30


Price Range



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Formosa resturents in linkou is well known for its neetness and higenic food served with atmost care and intrests in cooking. We usually eat fish fry with lemon and rice take aways in which they give descent amount of thigs for a meal. Hope you also enjoy the food.

It's a great place to go if you're hungry for some rice box late at night cuz they're opened a bit later than other restaurants

I specially traveled from the north of Hualien, and passed by Huxuzhang by accident. I was not in the play plan but was still attracted by the signboard. I had a good impression during the meal. During the ordering and chatting process, I had a very good impression of Ms. Cheng. When we were hesitating Indecision is still in the process of thinking, he is very patient to order and wait for us, chatting and chatting to find out that we happened to meet the deputy store manager, we can eat delicious Chinese food and meet senior executives, the service is unassuming and very friendly , really let us have a pleasant meal, next time we will definitely promote relatives and friends and come to take care of us! Thank you, Ms. Cheng, the deputy store manager for serving in person!




