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Changzhi Township, Pingtung CountyPeak cheese hand-made cakes

Cheese shop, Coffee store at No. 693號, Zhongxing Rd, Changzhi Township, Pingtung County, 908

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4.3 (170 comments)


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Open Time: 12:00


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#原味 ➡️The original flavor of Feng Cheese tastes very milky but has a light taste. I like it very much. It tastes like eating cheese😂not salty, not sour, not sweet milk flavor! Especially after the ice is removed, it is most obvious after it has been dipped into the tip of the tongue! And there will be the feeling of ice cream rustling, and the sweetness is really not high! It is the kind of heavy cheese with a light and elegant route. It is recommended to take off the ice for more than half an hour to enjoy the special milk flavor That's it haha #红酒湖泡泡➡️This is probably the best cranberry cheesecake I have ever eaten👍Not only is the cake studded with red cranberries, but even the cake itself has a touch of cranberry Fragrant, compared with the original flavor, this one is more distinctive and has cranberry sourness to neutralize the milky taste. Although it lacks a little milky flavor, it has a richer taste and texture, and it is not sweet! Gives a very noble and delicate taste #石子 ➡️This tastes a bit unexpected and special haha, the top is covered with Korean yuzu jam, and the cake below can also eat some yuzu peel! But I really don’t know that this cake looks very original, but it tastes quite salty, not like grapefruit😂😂 Maybe the chef accidentally mixed up salt and sugar🤔 # Earl ➡️ Earl is also a very recommended one! Compared with the earl of #cheeseworkshop that I ate recently, although this one is less grainy, it has more earl's unique citrus aroma. The peak cheese is really the taste of earl gray black tea, and the taste is also very smooth Not greasy, stunning and lovable😍😍

AWESOME cheesecakes!!

The cake is delicious and the coffee is delicious



