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Hualien City, Hualien County花蓮國香園素食

Vegetarian restaurant, Restaurant at No. 139之5號, Minguo Rd, Hualien City, Hualien County, 970

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4.3 (634 comments)


Opening Time

Closing Time: 19:00


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So affordable and delicious!! They are so friendly too and have an English menu, even if they don’t speak English themselves 🥰 I had the curry vegetables with rice (60 TWD) and had some soup and mixed tofu and fish cakes you can choose yourself. A variety of hot sauces, soy sauce, vinegar etc. Wish I was staying in town longer to eat here more!

One of my fav vegan restaurants in The city. The spicy noodle soup is so flavourful and spicy I didn’t even need to add more chilli. The steamed dumplings were a delightful too. Soft without being too dough-ey.

On the Internet, it is said that the southern taste (I mistakenly thought it was scary sweet, but I didn’t think it would be good after eating it, and I highly recommend it!), and the rice cake is soft and rotten (I personally think that the rice cake is soft but fragrant and delicious.) Recommended fried dumplings (must order), radish cake (must order), rice noodle soup (sweet and vegetable soup base like meatball soup). Sesame sauce noodles, marinated ingredients, vegetarian pork rice, and rice cakes are all worth trying. The angelica soup here has a strong aroma of traditional Chinese medicine; also, remind those who eat spicy food to order the special spicy soup. Maybe I personally prefer a refreshing taste, and these two dishes feel overly fragrant and spicy.




