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North District, Taichung City香妍小館(全預約制,詳情請見臉書粉專置頂貼文)

Western restaurant, at No. 386號, Meiting St, North District, Taichung City, 404

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4.8 (471 comments)


Opening Time

Open Time: 18:30


Price Range



Phone Number







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Friendly and enthusiastic landlady, delicious meals Every dish is carefully designed by the proprietress! It’s really worth trying!

The proprietress is friendly and lively, and the meals are of high quality, very suitable for family and friends gatherings

This is a reservation-only restaurant with a simple and comfortable design and only twenty seats. Only customers who make an appointment in advance are accepted every day. It is recommended that those who want to experience it call in advance to make an appointment. The proprietress is a very personable person. Meals are in the form of set meals, each set has eight parts, and each dish is prepared and developed by the proprietress herself (including the sauce). The proprietress cherishes the ingredients very much, so she chooses ingredients and cooks with great care. Of course, she also hopes that everyone will not waste any ingredients, so the restaurant does not provide take-away service~ But please note that the portions of the meals are really big, so regular customers will bring their own take-away boxes. The proprietress also welcomes and recommends everyone to do so♥ The restaurant is positioned like a private kitchen, so the price is naturally higher than ordinary restaurants, but I can guarantee that I won't regret it. And compared with restaurants of the same price, the taste and portion of this restaurant are absolutely super cost-effective~ In a simple description, it can be said that it is the standard of Xidi’s price and is a double portion. All in all, highly recommended.




