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Xitun District, Taichung City天慈素食 大墩店

Restaurant, at No. 936號, Dadun Rd, Xitun District, Taichung City, 407

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3.9 (235 comments)


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This is a local chain-restaurant in the respect that they have similar menus at pretty much all locations although they're independently operated by local folks from what I've gathered. They're no-frills, maybe even negative-thrills, meaning don't expect anything fancy or fancy plating or any of that -- but the food's good, the cost is low, and if you order some greens to go with your noodle/rice it's a well balanced, maybe slightly high sodium, moderately healthy meal. They're open 24/7, but much of the food is pre-made so it might not be the warmest if you come in the dead of night -- but like most Taiwanese vegetarian restaurants this really doesn't make the food any less tasty. I believe the entire menu at these "天慈素食" places is vegan, however I haven't confirmed it, but from what I've tried, what I've seen, and how the prices are priced, I'd say there's a good chance everything is vegan other than maybe one of the fake-meat type of side dishes (tofu-looking ones are). I'll spare you pictures, as I always order my food to go and it doesn't make it home and into a used to-go box without looking a bit horrible, but hey, I don't mind. If you don't speak Chinese and only speak English or German or something then you probably won't be able to speak to the staff (often of 1) but just point at the board for the dish you want, and if you don't know which just show a picture or point at the ingredients. You order outside near the kitchen-area, not inside at a table. Don't be intimidated (:

CP value is very good




