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Fujisawa, Kanagawa, JapanらぁめんOKAWARIスープ工場

Ramen restaurant, at 4 3 1, 3 Fujisawa, Kanagawa 251-0052, Japan

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3.8 (85 comments)


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Great ramen

It's delicious anyway. The main dish is chicken paitan ramen. By the way, it seems that the third generation opened at the north exit of Fujisawa Station from April 13, 2018. The left side of the photo is chicken paitan ramen, and the right side is Itadaki. Yamarei is a ramen with a rich pork bone soup, thick, firm noodles, and plenty of bean sprouts on top. The soup has a fragrant aroma and goes well with the thick noodles and bean sprouts. It's quite filling, so even those who usually order a large portion may be surprisingly satisfied with a regular portion. Please note that Yamarei is currently a Saturday and Sunday only menu and will end as soon as it runs out. We also have a parking lot, so you can come by car.

Rich! Asari! No, that's right, because it uses chicken-based soup and chicken oil. Chicken hot water with a sticky, greasy texture similar to collagen ramen. The taste is just right, not as strong as it looks. You can choose between thin noodles or medium thick noodles, which is great for those who like thin noodles. This time I ordered 1000 yen for everything, and it was quite a large portion. You can also get a set menu for an additional 350 yen. There is no parking lot, so you will need to use a nearby coin parking lot. It was a delicious restaurant♪




